News and Views Launch

To the London Community:

Welcome to the Canadian Cancer Society’s London Research Information Outreach Team (RIOT) News and Views blog! In response to the new challenges imposed by the global pandemic, we are working in close collaboration with our team to shift towards various online and virtual platforms. We hope to continue to bring you the exciting information about the progress and promise in cancer research focused locally in London, Ontario.

The purpose of News and Views is to present current cancer research taking place regionally in a clear and digestible manner. London is home to some of the largest health research institutes in Canada, including Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Center, Robarts Research Institute, and the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. There is such high-quality cancer research going on within the Forest City, and the RIOT News and Views team, a volunteer group of dedicated cancer research trainees from a variety of backgrounds, wants to make this accessible to everyone. To keep you updated with the most recent advancements in cancer research, we will occasionally invite guest researchers and trainees outside London to share some of their work!

Each month we will publish a new blog highlighting the work of a recently published article, predominantly with local affiliations, on themes aligned with the cancer awareness months. We hope you will find these blogs informative and engaging, showcasing the role that research has in the fight against cancer.

Madeleine Van de Kleut, PhD and Claire Park, BMSc

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